Hello, It's Me

Pallav Chavda

And I'm a

I'm a Data Science Enthuasiats
Turning data into πŸ“ˆ insights for better decisions πŸ“Š with the knowledge of Data Science Techniques.

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Data Enthusiast!

Currently, I'm a 3rd-year student studying B.Tech in C.E. I have gained knowledge of technology through projects and engineering subjects, which have given me a detailed understanding of different technologies and their application through projects. I am an internship seeker with strong organizational skills, eager to secure an intern position. Ready to help the team achieve company goals. I am a Data Scientist enthusiast looking for a challenging position in a company. I have acquired deep knowledge in Data Science with Python and machine Learning throughout my academic career. With these tools, I can do Data wrangling, Data mining, Feature engineering, Exploratory data analysis, and building prediction models of supervised and Unsupervised datasets using different kinds of algorithms. I am also able to use Data Visualization tools like Power-BI to perform Data analysis by using different types of charts and creating a dashboard to understand business problems and find their solutions.

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  • Python

  • MySql

  • Power-BI

  • Data Handling

  • Machine Learning

  • Data Visualization

  • EDA

  • Data wrangling

  • Insights From Data

  • Problem Solving

  • Java

  • Data analysis

  • Apache Spark

  • Feature engineering

  • MyProjects

    Customer Behaviour Analysis

    Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Earum, impedit cum quam commodi dolorem ut? Tempora doloribus tenetur, accusantium eum, laborum veritatis inventore fuga necessitatibus architecto sequi, perspiciatis provident nihil?

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    Resume screning web app usiung NLP

    Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Earum, impedit cum quam commodi dolorem ut? Tempora doloribus tenetur, accusantium eum, laborum veritatis inventore fuga necessitatibus architecto sequi, perspiciatis provident nihil?

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    Movie Price Prediction

    Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Earum, impedit cum quam commodi dolorem ut? Tempora doloribus tenetur, accusantium eum, laborum veritatis inventore fuga necessitatibus architecto sequi, perspiciatis provident nihil?

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    To Find The Weak areas Where The Business Manager Can Work To Make More Profit & Deriving The Business Problems By Exploring the Data . Technique used : Explaratory Data Analysis(EDA).

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    Super Store Sales Dashboard

    The Power BI Super Sales Dashboard is a comprehensive visualization tool designed to provide insights into sales performance and related metrics within an organization.

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    Financial Dashboard

    The Financial Dashboard is a comprehensive tool designed to provide key stakeholders, such as executives, CFOs, and financial analysts, with an intuitive and dynamic interface to monitor the financial health and performance of an organization.

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    Book Recommended System

    A Book Recommendation System leverages historical user data and book attributes to provide personalized recommendations to readers, enhancing their reading experience and promoting discovery of new books tailored to their interests.

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    Plant Disease Recognition Model

    This Project is an approach to the development Plant disease recognition model, based on leaf image classification and used a Pytorch for building a model.

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    Build a Resume Parser

    Build a resume parser using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Scapy, a web crawling and scraping library in Python. Utilizing NLP techniques, the parser will extract relevant information from resumes such as skills, experiences, and education.

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    Real Estate House Prediction

    Develop a real estate house prediction system utilizing linear regression, leveraging historical data to forecast property prices. Implement the model in a Python Flask web application, integrating HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for dynamic user interaction. Users can input property features, triggering the regression model to generate accurate price estimations, enhancing decision-making in real estate transactions.

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    Data Visualization - Matplotlib

    Matplotlib is a versatile Python library for creating static, interactive, and publication-quality visualizations. With intuitive syntax, it offers a wide range of plot types, including line plots, scatter plots, histograms, and more, making it indispensable for exploratory data analysis and presentation.

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    Billing System and casino game using C language

    Developed a billing system in C programming language to efficiently manage transactions, generate invoices, and track purchases. Additionally, created a casino game utilizing C, offering interactive gameplay with features .

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    White Wine Quality prediction

    Develop a white wine quality prediction model leveraging machine learning techniques. By analyzing a dataset containing various features such as acidity, alcohol content, and residual sugar, the model will learn to classify the quality of white wines.

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    Churn prediction

    Churn Prediction in the Telecom Industry using Logistic Regression involves building a predictive model to anticipate customer churn. Leveraging historical customer data encompassing factors like call duration, usage patterns, and customer demographics, logistic regression is applied to estimate the likelihood of customers leaving the service provider.

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    Netflix Clone

    Creating a Netflix clone involves building a streaming platform with similar functionalities. It includes features like user authentication, content recommendation based on viewing history, a searchable catalog, and video playback.

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    Intern at Code Clause as Data Scientist - remote Dec 2023 - Jan 2024

    ● In this internship I worked on Data science Technologies like Python libraries and Machine Learning for one month.

    ● Created a Predictive Model using Python and it’s libraries as wll as Pandas , Numpy , Matplotlib and seaborn and also find a confusion_matrix and accuracy_score of the Logistic Regression Model.

    ● Successfully completed a Resume Parser Project using a NLP (Natural Language Processing) and Machine Leaning Algorithms.

    Certificate LOR

    Intern at Bharat Intern as Data Scientist - remote Nov 2023 - Dec 2023

    ● Work on EDA (Exploratory data analysis) and nltk (natural language toolkit) in SMS Spam Classifier.

    ● Also learn Matplotlib and it’s Plot as wll as Histplot , Pairplot , Heatmap and perform a Data PreProcessing or Build a CountVectorizer , TfidfVectorizer and apply GaussianNB or find a Accuracy_score , Confusion_matrix , precision_score.


    BCG Data Science Job Simulation on Forage - February 2024

    ● Completed a customer churn analysis simulation for XYZ Analytics, demonstrating advanced data analytics skills, identifying essential client data and outlining a strategic investigation approach.

    ● Conducted efficient data analysis using Python, including Pandas and NumPy. Employed data visualization techniques for insightful trend interpretation.

    ● Completed the engineering and optimization of a random forest model, achieving an 85% accuracy rate in predicting customer churn.



    Let's Work Together

    Turning data into πŸ“ˆ insights for better decisions πŸ“Š

  • pallavcchavda@gmail.com
  • 8200877397